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Romain Iltis MOF sommellerie et Chef sommelier


What wine to drink with a rib of beef cooked on the barbecue?


What wine to drink with a rib of beef cooked on the barbecue?


Romain Iltis MOF sommellerie et Chef sommelier



When they were young, Sophie & Vincent used to go in the family vines with their respective Grandfather. The production of both grandfather was destinate to the cooperative cellarIn 1998, in Joncquières(Herault), at Mas Jullien, Olivier Jullien taught Vincent to vinify Languedoc Grands Vins (1998-1999). In 2000, Vincent make the crazy bet to create an hillsides impressive « défriche » of rolled pebbles (The land composed of oak was clear to grow the vines). From 2003 to 2010, Vincent helps to raise the Domaine de Montcalmès (Puéchabon) to the level of the bests (his parcels called « Fon de la Coste, Red “Défriche”, White” Défriche” » are during all these years in the blending of Domaine de Montcalmès both red and white).

The 31 october of 2010, he left Domaine de Montcalmès with his 6 hectares of vines (parcels: Fon de la Coste, Red “Défriche”, White” Défriche). With these vines he create with his wife Sophie the Domaine Saint Sylvestre the 1st of December 2010..



When they were young, Sophie & Vincent used to go in the family vines with their respective Grandfather. The production of both grandfather was destinate to the cooperative cellarIn 1998, in Joncquières(Herault), at Mas Jullien, Olivier Jullien taught Vincent to vinify Languedoc Grands Vins (1998-1999). In 2000, Vincent make the crazy bet to create an hillsides impressive « défriche » of rolled pebbles (The land composed of oak was clear to grow the vines). From 2003 to 2010, Vincent helps to raise the Domaine de Montcalmès (Puéchabon) to the level of the bests (his parcels called « Fon de la Coste, Red “Défriche”, White” Défriche” » are during all these years in the blending of Domaine de Montcalmès both red and white).

The 31 october of 2010, he left Domaine de Montcalmès with his 6 hectares of vines (parcels: Fon de la Coste, Red “Défriche”, White” Défriche). With these vines he create with his wife Sophie the Domaine Saint Sylvestre the 1st of December 2010.


Sophie & Vincent make every effort possible in the vineyard to obtain the excellence of this terroir. Each year, they try new things in the vineyard to have the best vegetal possible, because they have understood that the vegetal gives the wines quintessence.
The soil life is of the most important at Domaine Saint Sylvestre, and biodiversity increase by the years. And you find it in the wines vintage after vintage. The vertical tasting of Domaine Saint Sylvestre red (from vintage 2011 to vintage 2015) made in 2018 for Sommeliers was impressionnant to saw it at the perfection. The wines quality increase vintage after vintage, and the freshness that Domaine Saint Sylvestre arrives to keep on vintages really hot like 2011 is impressive.


Sophie & Vincent make every effort possible in the vineyard to obtain the excellence of this terroir. Each year, they try new things in the vineyard to have the best vegetal possible, because they have understood that the vegetal gives the wines quintessence.
The soil life is of the most important at Domaine Saint Sylvestre, and biodiversity increase by the years. And you find it in the wines vintage after vintage. The vertical tasting of Domaine Saint Sylvestre red (from vintage 2011 to vintage 2015) made in 2018 for Sommeliers was impressionnant to saw it at the perfection. The wines quality increase vintage after vintage, and the freshness that Domaine Saint Sylvestre arrives to keep on vintages really hot like 2011 is impressive.


In this exceptional vineyard, Sophie & Vincent gives the same attention to each parcel. They consider that each trunk is a person. The vineyard work is done by hand: pruning, trellising, disbbuding. green harvest (to obtain a yield around 20 hl/ha). Vincent is the King of the grafting, he make it since 2008: the died trunk are changed every years by a new trunk (who as the particularity to be a wild trunk : American rootstock), that will be graft by Vincent with the good varietal (selectionned in their vineyard by Vincent and Sophie) around 3 years later. With this, they aim to have a vineyard that crosses decades. The vinayeard is totally tilled, and treatments are made with copper and sulphur.


In this exceptional vineyard, Sophie & Vincent gives the same attention to each parcel. They consider that each trunk is a person. The vineyard work is done by hand: pruning, trellising, disbbuding. green harvest (to obtain a yield around 20 hl/ha). Vincent is the King of the grafting, he make it since 2008: the died trunk are changed every years by a new trunk (who as the particularity to be a wild trunk : American rootstock), that will be graft by Vincent with the good varietal (selectionned in their vineyard by Vincent and Sophie) around 3 years later. With this, they aim to have a vineyard that crosses decades. The vinayeard is totally tilled, and treatments are made with copper and sulphur.


Varietals are harvesting by hand, by varietal and by parcel, with selective picking of the more qualitative grapes on the vine trunk when it’s necessary. They are destemed, crashed by varietal and by parcel. White wines are directly press by varietal, blended and vinified in Burgundy oaks where prestigious Burgundies wines were aged, they will agedin these barrels for 12 months. The wild yeasts make fermenting both red and white Domaine Saint Sylvestre wines.

Red wines are vinifed by varietal and by parcel in inox vat, the cap is treaded by foot, with pumping over depending of the vintage, long vatting time (30-40 days). The ageing of the wine takes place for 24 months in Burgundy oak by by varietal and by parcel.

Sophie & Vincent don’t have an oenologist, they make everything with their palate by tasting berries, juices and wines. They are alone master of the destiny of the Domaine Saint Sylvestre wines.
Wines are bottled depending of the moon, red winesare not filtered and not fined.
Anxious to master every step in the manufacture of these “haute couture” wines, from this “Orfèvre” work at 4 hands, the estate has its own bottling chain.


Domaine Saint Sylvestre Blanc
45% roussanne,
45% marsanne
10% viognier.

Le Coup de Calcaire Blanc
90% chardonnay,
5% roussanne
5% marsanne.

Domaine Saint Sylvestre Rouge
70% syrah,
20% grenache
10% mourvèdre.

Le Sang du Papète
100% carignan presque centenaire.

L’Héritière des Pierres
35% syrah,
40% carignan,
10% grenache,
15% mourvèdre.


Varietals are harvesting by hand, by varietal and by parcel, with selective picking of the more qualitative grapes on the vine trunk when it’s necessary. They are destemed, crashed by varietal and by parcel. White wines are directly press by varietal, blended and vinified in Burgundy oaks where prestigious Burgundies wines were aged, they will agedin these barrels for 12 months. The wild yeasts make fermenting both red and white Domaine Saint Sylvestre wines.
Red wines are vinifed by varietal and by parcel in inox vat, the cap is treaded by foot, with pumping over depending of the vintage, long vatting time (30-40 days). The ageing of the wine takes place for 24 months in Burgundy oak by by varietal and by parcel.

Sophie & Vincent don’t have an oenologist, they make everything with their palate by tasting berries, juices and wines. They are alone master of the destiny of the Domaine Saint Sylvestre wines.
Wines are bottled depending of the moon, red winesare not filtered and not fined.
Anxious to master every step in the manufacture of these “haute couture” wines, from this “Orfèvre” work at 4 hands, the estate has its own bottling chain.


Domaine Saint Sylvestre Blanc
45% roussanne,
45% marsanne
10% viognier.

Le Coup de Calcaire Blanc
90% chardonnay,
5% roussanne
5% marsanne.

Domaine Saint Sylvestre Rouge
70% syrah,
20% grenache
10% mourvèdre.

Le Sang du Papète
100% carignan presque centenaire.

L’Héritière des Pierres
35% syrah,
40% carignan,
10% grenache,
15% mourvèdre.


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In order to receive you at best, we only receive by appointment.

Domain Address :
Route de Lavène, Lieu dit le Pioch, 34150 Puechabon – France

Phone :
+33 (0)9 60 50 30 15

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